North Hollywood, CA (SHAOLIN COMMUNICATIONS) May 18, 2016--Buddha Kung Fu will launch its first Shaolin Chinese Yoga™ program January 4, 2017, in North Hollywood Park, California. This Chinese Yoga™ program was created by Richard Del Connor, “Buddha Zhen,” in 1984 for all of the Shaolin Chi Mantis™ Kung Fu and Tai Chi programs taught since then.
Shaolin Chinese Yoga™ stretching routine was taught at rehabilitation centers in Salt Lake City, Utah, from 1992 until 1999 when Buddha Zhen returned to California. Most of the inmates, male and female, were convicted of drug usage. During the initial classes of Chinese Yoga™, students are sometimes stretching muscles, ligaments, and blood veins in new positions. Several side-effects of Chinese Yoga™ are beneficial and immediate. As the blood veins are stretched and relaxed, they shed some of their deposits from their inner linings. Most of these deposits which may include cholestorol are unnoticeable as they are absorbed into the blood and filtered out. But some of these deposits may be drug residues. So some of the Chinese Yoga™ students in these rehabilitation centers shared their experiences and information so Buddha Zhen could understand this “stony side-effect.” According to the inmates these “stony experiences” only lasted a couple classes. One student confessed to Buddha Zhen, “I felt guilty getting stoned like that again!”
Richard Del Connor, founder of Shaolin Chi Mantis™ Traditional Buddhist Gongfu in 1992, was known as “Sifu Richard O'Connor,” from 1992 to 1994. In 1994 he was given the Chinese name, Shen-Lang Zhen. This translates to, Spirit Wolf of Truth.
Classes will be offered on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. at several locations within North Hollywood Park, from June 4 to September 24, 2016. Chinese Yoga™ Master Buddha Zhen will select appropriate locations after the class meets at 5123 Tujunga Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91601. Students can obtain more information from Buddha Zhen (pronounced, “Jen”) by phone 818-723-2769 or the Tai Chi Youth website Chinese Yoga™ page: www.TaiChiYouth.org/yoga.
Tai Chi Youth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded 1996 by Richard Del Connor. TCY and its founder have received awards and letters of recommendation from the Utah Governor, Utah Chinese Society, and Utah Public Schools for improving the lives of youths, convicts, drug addicts and seniors. Tai Chi Youth is currently headquartered in North Hollywood where Buddha Zhen teaches traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Yang Tai Chi classes and private lessons.
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Richard Del Connor, CEO
Shaolin Communications
P.O.Box 632
Verdugo City, CA 91046
North Hollywood, CA (SHAOLIN COMMUNICATIONS) May 18, 2016--Tai Chi Youth will launch its first Chinese Yoga™ program June 4, 2016, in North Hollywood Park, California. This Chinese Yoga™ program was created by Richard Del Connor, “Buddha Zhen,” in 1984 for all of the Shaolin Chi Mantis™ Kung Fu and Tai Chi programs taught since then. This is the first time students can learn and experience the health and well-being of Shaolin Kung Fu without participating in the martial arts training of Shaolin Kung Fu or Yang Tai Chi. Class curriculums were developed by Richard Del Connor in the 1990s when his programs were taught in Utah rehab centers, elementary schools, middle schools, churches, continuing education, Liberty Park and a maximum security prison in Salt Lake City.
Chinese Yoga™ was taught at rehabilitation centers in Salt Lake City, Utah, from 1992 until 1999 when Buddha Zhen returned to California. Most of the inmates, male and female, were convicted of drug usage. During the initial classes of Chinese Yoga™, students are sometimes stretching muscles, ligaments, and blood veins in new positions. Several side-effects of Chinese Yoga™ are beneficial and immediate. As the blood veins are stretched and relaxed, they shed some of their deposits from their inner linings. Most of these deposits which may include cholestorol are unnoticeable as they are absorbed into the blood and filtered out. But some of these deposits may be drug residues. So some of the Chinese Yoga™ students in these rehabilitation centers shared their experiences and information so Buddha Zhen could understand this “stony side-effect.” According to the inmates these “stony experiences” only lasted a couple classes. One student confessed to Buddha Zhen, “I felt guilty getting stoned like that again!”
Richard Del Connor, founder of Shaolin Chi Mantis™ Traditional Buddhist Gongfu in 1992, was known as “Sifu Richard O'Connor,” from 1992 to 1994. In 1994 he was given the Chinese name, Shen-Lang Zhen. This translates to, Spirit Wolf of Truth.
Classes will be offered on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. at several locations within North Hollywood Park, from June 4 to September 24, 2016. Chinese Yoga™ Master Buddha Zhen will select appropriate locations after the class meets at 5123 Tujunga Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91601. Students can obtain more information from Buddha Zhen (pronounced, “Jen”) by phone 818-723-2769 or the Tai Chi Youth website Chinese Yoga™ page: www.TaiChiYouth.org/yoga.
Tai Chi Youth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded 1996 by Richard Del Connor. TCY and its founder have received awards and letters of recommendation from the Utah Governor, Utah Chinese Society, and Utah Public Schools for improving the lives of youths, convicts, drug addicts and seniors. Tai Chi Youth is currently headquartered in North Hollywood where Buddha Zhen teaches traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Yang Tai Chi classes and private lessons.
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Richard Del Connor, CEO
Tai Chi Youth